The Advanced Search is the best way to search profiles and find a match. Not all the donors listed will still be contactable, but even some that haven't logged in for a long time may still be available if messaged.
To get to Advanced Search, first you have to be logged in. Then, you can click on "Find a Match" towards the left of the top menu, or depending on your window size and browser, you may have to click on the 3 line menu icon at the top right of the window against a pink background, then select "Find a Match" from the dropdown menu.
If you still can't see the "Find a Match" menu option, try logging out then back in again, or deleting your browser cache, or using a different browser.
Advanced Search is built by adding the individual fields that you want to use to find profiles. You fill in the values that you want profiles to match. For example, if you are looking for sperm donors, you would add the field "Member Type" and select the value "Sperm Donor", then "Donation Category" and select the value "Sperm."
Member Type - eg Sperm Donor or Recipient (remember that people can be donors of eggs, embryos or surrogacy too, not just sperm.)
Donation Category - options are Sperm, Eggs, Embryos, or Surrogacy
Location (search within a distance) - use this field to search within a specific distance. Select "Location" in the first field, "Distance" in the second field, a distance in miles, and you can then typing a city, zip code or country in the "Set your location here" field. This should give you another dropdown list, and you can then select the correct location. *If you don't see a dropdown list, please try it in an incognito/private browser window.* Sorry, but please ignore the "Detect Location" button.
Status - Available; this will ensure whoever you find is currently open to being contacted
Donation Types - Important! It's a good idea to limit your search to just the types of donation you are looking for
Contact Options - Again, good idea to limit this to folks who match your criteria
Complete any of the rest of the fields that are important to you.
Match Any / Match All - by default this will be set to Match all fields. If your search does not result in very many people, your criteria may be too strict. Try removing some things, such as hair color, and try again.
Here is an example of a search to find available AI donors within 50 miles of a location:
Important Search Tips!
Open profiles in a new tab or window - Instead of clicking on "View Profile," most browsers will allow you to open each search result in a new tab (usually with right-click on a mouse, or long-press on a touch screen). This will keep your search results open, and you won't have to fill it all in again.
Keep the search as general as you can - the more specific you make your search, the fewer results you will get
Use a large screen - You will probably find it easier to search on a PC or laptop rather than a phone or tablet.
My search is not turning up any results. What do I do?
If you have an empty search criterion, then nothing will be returned. Clicking "SEARCH" again should run the search without empty criteria though.
Check your selections, and make sure you don't have any conflicts. For instance, if you are selecting "Member Type" "Surrogate" and "Looking For" "Sperm", you probably won't get any results.